Why are the flowers blooming in the forest how beautiful?
Why do trees grow without fertilizers in the forest area?
Please put the flowers taken from the forest into your vase, and accordingly in the next vase, insert the flowers you bought at the flower shop.
Please compare the flowers and water in the two vases.
Which will die sooner and which vase's water will soon get dirty and stink?
Many modern agronomists have not yet been released from the NPK(nutrients) belief system.
Is anyone giving nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium of standards amounts set by the government to flower and tree in the forest? Natural plants have lived for a hundred of million years without fertilizer!!
What is the most important in practical agriculture not on the desk is light, air, water, and microorganisms more than nutrients.
Shouldn't we humbly learn from the natural trees and flowers in the forest area and how they work?