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Rikishi Compost complacently announces our compost as modern, scientific and sustainable technology developed in Japan. This technology is certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, and Forestry of Japan. This feature is a sophisticated fermentation technology developed after years of experience in diverse fields by the experts. Organic matter is fermented and decomposed at a high temperature of 60 to 80 degrees. Pathogens, weed seeds, and pathogens all die at high temperatures. In addition, it has a good balance of different important chemicals like nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassium and minerals. In addition, with our technology of adding clay minerals, it prevents the outflow of nutrients and keeps fertilizer in the field for a long time.


Unlike other compost, Rikishi Compost does not have a foul smell nor is wet. This is why our compost is considered as one of the top-notch company which provides quality products and services for our stakeholders. The traditional and the commonly known myth of compost being usually wet with smell putrid or like rotting eggs has been proved to be only a misconception by our compost. Our compost passes through an advanced and rigorous fermentation process. Our procedure includes fermentation and decomposition at high temperature for a minimum of 3-4 months and after careful research and development proved our compost to be one of the most sustainable fertilizers developed at present.  This is because organic matter is decomposed by the action of microorganisms to form fully-ripened compost. Other compost made in a different environment with different materials require a certain period of time before the field is ready to be sowed but with our compost, we can use it immediately for the harvest. Also, unlike other composts, we value quality. In every compost produced or the vegetables harvested, it is stored in a bottle check for quality test for the continuous development of quality.


Rikishi compost has a number of pragmatic characteristics that is suitable for the environment it's nurturing in as well as for the final product it is used for.  One of the main characteristics of our compost is to soften the soil. There is a supply of effective microorganisms for the main purpose. It drains water by the action of microorganisms and grows soil with a well-drained aggregate structure. It acts as a medicine to the soil. It also cleans the water and improves the quality of the fields as well as the condition of the soil. In scientific terms, 95% of the vegetables consists of water, but delicious vegetables are grown from clean chemical-free water and fields. Therefore, our compost is prepared with proper care, giving aggregate nutrition required in a chemical-free environment. 


1) Modern, scientific and sustainable compost in Nepal.

2) Years of scientific research done by experts from Japan.

3) Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Japan.

4) Solution to waste disposal and waste management system.

5) Superior quality of soil, water and the harvest.

6) Delicious and nutritious food for a healthy long life.

7) Organic fertilizer with no association with chemicals and pesticides.

8) Increase in local employment and expertise provided by Japanese technician



▼Why did Rikishi company start to do compost business?
▼Who discovered CNBM technology?
▼What is CNBM technology?
▼What is the difference between chemical fertiliser and our compost?
▼Why did Rikishi Compost start Raw garbage compost recycles system in THIMI CITY.
▼Why should you have a bottle check of vegetables before consuming for your health



        BAIYODO !!

Potting soil is a special compost that is used in a certain container. The original blend makes it the perfect compost for home gardening and raising seedlings. In particular, it is said that 80% of the total is determined by raising seedlings. Hygienic (no pathogens, pests) and nutritionally balanced compost allows anyone to harvest the highest quality vegetables.

         EDUCATION !!

Our aim of establishment of Rikishi Compost was and is for the overall sustainability of the society we live in. At present, we are working with Thimi City and Rapti City to eliminate the problem of food waste and use it to compost food waste using our original fermentation technology. Waste disposal, whether it be plastics or waste that is easily degradable, it has been a global issue worldwide. Many experts from all over the world and working hard trying to solve this problem. Likewise, we are doing our part by using our specific food waste disposal technology. We aim to create a sustainable society that will last for a thousand years. The generation now need to live a society with less wastage and more recycle in a clean environment.

           VARIETY !

Our company offers a wide variety of the finest ripe compost using formulas approved and implemented by experts from Japan. It not only supplies nutrients, but also grows and softens the soil to improve the water quality of the fields. We carry out quality control by thoroughly controlling temperature, humidity, odor, and vision. We are also aiming for the ISO 9001:2015; Quality Management System Certification for the systematic development of our products and to safeguard our stakeholders including the society we live in.




                                                Introduction】                        November 21st, 2018


On the auspicious day of November 21st, 2018, Rikishi Compost Technology organized a food fest of vegetables grown locally using Rikishi Compost. The attendant for this tasting program were some of the prestigious political leaders like Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Forestry, House of Speaker of Bagmati Pradesh and the Mayor of Thimi. The service was not limited to only political leaders but was extended to the local farmers and the media as well. Above all, a large number of about 300 locals of Thimi were also invited to have a taste of the vegetables and rice grown with the company’s compost. The objective of this food fest was to collect feedback from various hierarchical positions in the agriculture industry of how they thought the food tasted from all the other grown harvest of other fertilizers. They were the people with the most experience in this field who would understand and give us their authentic and constructive feedback on our compost used for harvest. Also, the feedback of the locals and the media played a crucial role in understanding how the taste of one food can differ according to the compost used. Besides, the program was not only organized for the tasting and research purpose but also for the awareness of how important it is to use chemical-free fertilizers in our daily food consumption. It was also to emphasize that the food is fresh, healthy, tasty as well as nutritious when the chemical is not added. A live example of this was our compost used for the harvest of the foods given for tasting during the food festival. Rikishi Compost has been using the technology used by the ambitious and the most experienced leader in the field of fertilizers. The Japanese technology has been used for many years in Japan and similar technology is used in Nepal now as well. The staff and the company had full confidence in the harvest used with the compost that it was different from other foods grown from other fertilizers. No doubt, that Rikishi Compost, succeeded beyond the expectations of its stakeholders. There was a splendid response of the attendees who tasted our foods and had nothing but to say all good things about how fresh and tasty our foods were. Also, Rikishi Compost not only organized the event for tasting the crops yield but also experimented a sample testing of model popularly used in the Mathematics. For the compost to be prepared, Rikishi Compost Pvt. Ltd. uses home wastage for recycling as well. For this model to be successful the minimum sample testing number needs to be accurate. For this experiment, 2000 people in 500 households participated. The compost then prepared from the wastages was moved to the second stage of an experiment where the field was harvested with chemical fertilizer and Rikishi Compost in each section separated into two sections. The harvested crops were clarified in agricultural comparison experiments of difference between chemical fertilizers and Rikishi Compost. There were a variety of foods that were catered to the attendees. All the foods that were catered were made with the compost of Rikishi Company. Among them, the ones who won the greatest favours were the turnips, radish and spinach. Surprisingly, these are the foods that are rarely considered tasty in normal terms because it has been a long time people had a taste of such fresh vegetables. As can be seen in the picture below, we were able to harvest fine-looking vegetables, and the taste was overwhelmingly delicious and aroma that everyone admits. On the other hand, the difference of the bitterness and astringency of vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers and the lack of umami of squishy made the contrast clear.

▼Agricultural comparison experiment
Agricultural technology candidate learning scene
✴ main purpose✴

1. Comparison of ripe organic fertilizer and existing chemical fertilizer.

2. Calculate the appropriate amount of ripe organic fertilizer applied to each crop.

3. Cultivate spinach, turnips and radishes to investigate the soil condition in Nepal.

4. Educate compost technician candidates on organic farming techniques, fertilization, ridge making, sowing, etc.

▼ Actual cultivation experiment

・How to apply ripe compost.

・How to use the tools.

・How to set up ridges.

・Guidance on the calculation of fertilizer application amount.


✴Actual comparison experiment✴
▼2, Chemical fertiliser
▼3, Existing compost
▼3,Japanese Technology compost

An experiment was done on a field segregating into four sections. To analyse different sections using different types of compost to understand the true nature of harvest and the impact on the field with the compost used. The fields were sowed with radish, turnip and spinach.


▼1 Without fertiliser

A section of field was experimented with no fertilizer. After observation, it was seen that the harvested plant looked abnormal compared to the other plants observed. Also, the plant looked yellowish and unhealthy. It was concluded that the field with no compost was like a plan with no nutrition.

▼2  Chemical fertilizer 
3 Existing organic fertilizer (Nepali animal compost)


The observation of number two and three i.e, chemical fertilizer and existing organic fertilizer (Nepali animal compost) was seen similar to the first observation of no fertlizer. The harvested crops were observed as abnormal by experts and local farmers. The crops did not have their natural colour and also did not observe to be the actual size of the natural plants' characteristics. The crops also had a distinctive size that looked like the crop was unhealthy. The harvested crops had knots attached in their roots, leaves and the vegetables itself.

When inspection was done by the experts from the agricultural industry, they mentioned that the land has been consuming too much of chemical fertilisers for decades resulting in degrading the quality of the soil to provide any nutrition for growth. The experts were confident that no new crops would be harvested in the existing land because of the downfall of the quality of the soil.

▼4  Japanese technology compost 


The last section of the field was used with Rikishi Compost. The original objective of the experiment was to test the difference between the crops harvested with three different fertilizers and with no fertlizer. 

Since, the land purchased on lease by Rikishi  Compost Company was considered barren with impossible to grow healthy and nutritious crops, all including the locals people, agricultural experts and the owner of the land were surprised to the first harvest using Riksihi Compost.

The harvested crops were the actual standard size of the vegetables, good looking and the colour looked fresh and nutritious. In addition to this, the taste of the vegetables were also mind-bobbling to the tongue and body. When the agriculture experts informed the locals and Rikishi Company that this land cannot have good harvest for at least 10 years, only the team of Rikishi Company were confined to believe in themselves. On the first harvest, it shook everyone to see that the quality of the soil improve drastically and the harvest turned out to be something they had not seen in years.

This surprising result, encouraged the local people and experts to purchase our compost. They are still purchasing our compost on a regular basis. Moreover, the land owner also purchased more compost for his 10 ropaness land to harvest and improve the quality of the soil.

The experiment has concluded that our compost does not only give good harvested crops but also improved the surrounding environment who have a direct or indirect impact on the harvest. With the increase level of globalisation and industrialisation, there has been excessive use of chemicals used in daily basis making it almost impossible for regular people to have clean, fresh and nutritious food. Rikishi Compost is trying to make a change by taking a small step.

✴Nitrate nitrogen measurement✴

▼According to the WHO, if an individual ingests more than 10000ppm of nitrate-nitrogen at a time, it can be life-threatening. Sadly, due to frequent and rapid use of chemical fertiliser, it is easy to accumulate the amount of nitrate-nitrogen in vegetables, and the taste of such foods has a strong acridness. In developed countries, cases like these differ. There are strict regulations on the number of chemicals used for harvesting. For example in EU countries, the upper limit is strictly regulated to 2000-3000ppm. The reason for such strict regulations is because such higher amount of induced chemicals have resulted in reports of haemoglobin deficiency such as Blue Baby Syndrome leading to chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. Also, in some cases, it can be life-threatening as well. Also, some of the external factors.

The fields that Rikishi Compost as a company decided to use as an experiment were degraded. The quality of the soil significantly was very low and growing some crops in a natural form without any abnormalities was almost impossible. This was because of the excessive use of chemical fertilizers on the land for over a decade now. After using our compost, the confidence of locals and experts of nothing can be grown here without abnormalities was just a myth. It was confirmed that the fields in which our compost was sown had significantly reduced nitrate nitrogen levels. Not only did the ripe compost not pollute the fields, but the compost microorganisms seemed to purify the water in the fields. On the other hand, the fields where chemical fertilizers were sown significantly exceeded the international standard values of having value higher than standardized by the WHO. The level of nitrate nitrogen was exceeding the standard value making it hazardous for human life.

✴Bottle Check Test✴
Very Bad smell  !!
 GOOD smell 

One of our primary experiment included way to see the condition of the soil in the field at a glance is the rot test. We kept the vegetables grown from chemical fertilizer, ,Rikishi Compost from the field in a transparent jar and seal it. Changes were observed in a time span of from about a week to 30 days. The following changes were noticed where the vegetables that rot quickly and give off a foul odour means that they grew in bad soil with a lot of spoilage bacteria, or in metabolic soil with too much nutrients. On the other hand, vegetables grown in good soil do not rot and have a fermented aroma like Gundruk. In other words, odour represents soil condition and water quality. Also, depending on whether it rots or ferments, it is possible to distinguish between a fermented type field with effective microorganisms in the soil and a rot type field with a lot of putrefactive bacteria.


✴Questionnaire survey of Vegetable evaluation ✴

〇Survey date: November 21, 2018

〇Survey target: More than 300 people participated in the ceremony

〇 Survey method: Conducting a questionnaire to visitors at the site


 → About the contents of the questionnaire

▼ Vegetable quality: 4 grade choices
        1.bad,    2.good,    3. Better    4.Best


 ・The highest score "4. BEST" was  62(55%).
 ・The second score "3. BETTER" was 48 (42%).
 ・The third score "2. GOOD" was 3 (3%).

・The fourth score "1. BAD" was 0(0%).


 97% were well received. Everyone gave a good impression on the foods provided. They were fresh, smelled good and were favorable to their taste buds. One feedback we received was that the food would have tasted much better if the foods were served hot. By the time, everyone started eating, the food had already gone from hot to warm to chilled. The overall evaluation of the sample testing did not turn to high as expected because of the normal culture 




 ▼ Organic Farmer:
" I was impressed that this was a real organic vegetable. It's completely different from our vegetables."

 ▼ The general public:
"I have never eaten such delicious vegetables since I was born."

 ▼ Minister of Agriculture and Forestry:
"Vegetables are delicious. I am a meat lover and I can't eat rice with only vegetables, but this I can eat as much as I want."

 ▼For the general public:
”Vegetables with chemical fertilizers have terrible acridness. The difference between organic vegetables is clear.”


 Most of the comments were positive. The negative comments received was only that the food would have been better if it was served hot but still the foods were tasty and fresh. 


Number of people surveyed   113
Best   ■Better  Good
✴Measurement Result Of Fertilizer Contents✴

The measurement of the Rikishi Compost was acceptable but the authorized person informed us that the amount of nitrogen and carbon contents are low for a standard organic fertilizer in Nepal. Normally, the amount of Nitrogen and Carbon needs to be more in Nepal.


However, this concept is considered a myth by many experts from the agriculture industry of practitioners. The more the amount of the nitrogen, it attracts more of insecticides and pesticides which means to remove or safeguard the crops the farmers use pesticides to eradicate. This would ultimately reduce the amount of nutrition in the plants and also damage the quality of the crops. 


 The most important thing is the diversity of microorganisms, and compost is the best place to live. We analyzed that this result was not a problem at all. Below are the results of garbage compost and soil blur.



 From the event organized and the leaders invited, Rikishi Compost has come up with the following conclusions. Also, this event has proved and spread the following information through word of mouth of the locals who attended the event, political leaders, media outlets ad also through experienced farmers. 


 ① The amount exceeding 10,000 nitrate-nitrogen can be life-threatening to human life as stated by the “World Health Organization”. However, the foods that we consume daily consists of more than the standard amount quoted by the WHO. With Rikishi Compost, the amount of nitrate-nitrogen can be balanced to harvest delicious, healthy and nutritious organic vegetables. 


 ② The owner of the land who gave Rikishi Compost the land for lease and also the agriculture engineers who believed that it was almost impossible to grow vegetables without any abnormalities. They believed with all the chemicals used and land being barren there expertise prove that the vegetables cannot be grown on a full scale with no knots. However, by using Rikishi Compost, the quality of the soil improved drastically which surprisingly developed healthy looking vegetables with no abnormalities at all. 


 With the increase in globalization and increase of chemicals, radiations and toxics used by many industries, the environment is degrading at its peaks. Our compost is unlike other organic or chemical fertilizers. In fact, not only does it works on the development of the plant but also balances the nitrate-nitrogen level found in air, groundwater and soil as well. This will manage and diverse the ecosystem and save the environment from degradation.


 Sustainability is important in this age because now, this word has almost been impossible to implement because of the processes we are involved in. If we do not focus on sustainability then there is no future for the next generation. For us to move forward or the initial stage for sustainability is with agricultural practices. We need to unite together and work for sustainability as a while in Nepal which has a higher possibility than others.




Visit of The Ambassador of European Union and his colleagues to understand the organic manure on 10/03/2020. 


Inauguration of multi-purpose community hall managing garbage through Japanese technology of Madhyapur Thimi Municipality in coordination Rikishi Compost Pvt. Ltd . along with that honourable Agriculture minister launched organic manure prepare by Japanese technology in 25th Oct. 2019.


The Korean Ambassador come to the organic manure making centre for supervision in  Nov.30th.

Japanese professor KANEKO is authority of Soil Ecology / Forest Science. He with a Staff of JICA and Japanese NGO group visited in the centre of Rikishi Compost where manure in prepared by Japanese technology in 21st  Nov. 2019 

Inaugurate the programme  of making compost manure from honourable speaker of Bagmati Province Mr. Sanu Kumar Shrestha   in  3rd Sep. 2018.

Mayor Rapti and 20 concerned came to visit the compost house in 23rd Apr.

Honorable Parliament member Mahesh Basnet distributed the certificate of making compost manure by Japanese technology to trainees in 10th Jan. 2020.


Honorable Parliament member Krishna visited our compost centre in 21st  Feb. 2020.

Interview on Image TV in 29th Jan. 2019

Inventor of CNBM technology ,our technical advisor, Master Hashimoto lecture to Mayors of 18 municipalities 31st March 2019.


Mr. Kanak  from Bangladesh come to the manure making centre to observe how the organic manure is prepared through Japanese procedure in 17th  Nov. 2019.


Coverage of the oldest MEDIA,


Bhaktapur Municipality
※World Heritage
Madhyapur Thimi Municipality
Rapti Municipality
Dudhauli Muncipality
Panchkhal Muncipality



Thank you very much.

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