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Rikishi compost


What is Composting?

Composting is defined as the biological degradation process of heterogeneous solid organic materials under controlled moist, self-heating, and aerobic conditions to obtain a stable material that can be used as organic fertilizer.

What is CNBM Technology?

CNBN is a technology developed by a Japanese expert in the compost industry. The technology has been developed and implemented in Japan for years. CNBN stands for Carbon, Nitrogen, Bacteria and Minerals. This technology is developed for the use of effective and balanced farming methods in food systems. The process of composting is similar to cooking a balanced food, full of nutrients needed for a healthy body. It is processed with the use of good quality materials by the experts.

Why is CNBM Technology important?

Compost for microorganisms means 'food' in normal terms. If we are to compare the human food, carbon materials are considered as rice, nitrogen materials are side dishes such as vegetables, meat and fish, mineral materials are salt, and microbial materials are fermented foods such as “Achar”. Well-balanced compost is home to a wide variety of microorganisms. Micro-organism plays a crucial role in farming. It takes care of the soil, water and air by purifying it and providing the necessary nutrients. In addition, when the micro-organism is taken care of, the take care of the growth of the plants. Thus, the use of CNBM technology has a crucial role in the overall development of the plant from sowing the seeds to the food on our plate.





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