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【Bottle Check Test】

Rikishi compost


What is Bottle Check Test?

Bottle check test is also known as the quality assurance test is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in the production of an output. Since we are a compost company, before packaging of the ready compost, we do a bottle check to assure the quality of the compost to the best of its ability.

Why do we do a Bottle Check Test?

The main reason for our bottle check test is for quality assurance to ensure if the compost, we produced is up to the standard of the Nepal Government and also as per the requirement of our customers. Quality assured product is our objective of establishment which will then result in sustainable development in the area our compost is used.

The procedure of Bottle Check Test

We have a standardized approach for each type of compost produced to be in bottle check test. Also, depending on the compost nature, the procedure is customized as well which is approved by the innovator of the technology we are using.

Experiment Test of Chemical Fertilizer and Rikishi Compost

One of our primary experiment included a way to see the condition of the soil in the field at a glance is the rot test. We kept the vegetables grown from chemical fertilizer, Rikishi Compost from the field in a transparent jar and seal it. Changes were observed in a time span of from about a week to 30 days. The following changes were noticed where the vegetables that rot quickly and give off a foul odour means that they grew in bad soil with a lot of spoilage bacteria, or in metabolic soil with too many nutrients. On the other hand, vegetables grown in good soil do not rot and have a fermented aroma like Gundruk. In other words, odour represents soil condition and water quality. Also, depending on whether it rots or ferments, it is possible to distinguish between a fermented type field with effective microorganisms in the soil and a rot type field with a lot of putrefactive bacteria.





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