Mr. Milan Giri, Production Head of Rikishi Compost explaining the students and the faculty of New Star Pole, the process of segregation from source of waste collection. Rikishi Compost collects wastes from 5000 households, where we prepare and distribute customized designed bucket set and train the household to segregate the waste.
On 10th of Falgun, New Star Pole School, visited Rikishi Compost site in Madhyapur Thimi, . Around 50 students from grade 9 of New Star visited our site.
Contact us if you want to know more about us at +977 9828000256 or you can reach us at rikishicompost@gmail.com. You can also visit our site in Madhyapur Thimi for more information. #rikishicompost #japanesetechnology #getyourownbag #cnbmtechnology #sustianableagriculturalractices #chemicalfreecompost