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#8 Research Facts


#8 Research Facts 【Types and characteristics of effective microorganisms】 ◉Filamentous fungi After the compost material has been deposited, the filamentous fungi come into their own. This is because they prefer a lower temperature than other useful micro-organisms. However, as the temperature rises above 50°C, the filamentous fungi find it difficult to live in the soil and their numbers are greatly reduced. The reason why many plant pathogens are filamentous fungi is that filamentous fungi have the ability to break down plant fibres, and their preferred temperature range coincides with the optimum temperature for crop growth. ◉Yeast fungus Prefers temperatures between 15 and 40°C. Yeast is a microorganism that efficiently produces amino acids from proteins. It does not thrive in high temperatures. However, it thrives at the base of the compost heap and in the cooler areas where it is in contact with the open air. ◉Bacillus naoto and actinomycetes These two bacteria are the main microorganisms in compost making. The temperature at which they can multiply is between 30 and 65°C, much higher than that of filamentous fungi and yeasts. They like air and can tolerate a wide range of moisture. When conditions are right, the temperature can be too high. Contact us if you want to know more about us at +977 9828000256 or you can reach us at You can also visit our site in Madhyapur Thimi for more information. #rikishicompost #japanesetechnology #getyourownbag #cnbmtechnology #sustianableagriculturalractices #chemicalfreecompost



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