# 6 Day Training on Field visit of waste collection and Tokozai distribution in Madhyapur Thimi Rikishi Compost based in Madhyapur Thimi, is continuing with his fourth day of training on theme of Field visit of waste collection and Tokozai distribution in Madhyapur Thimi. The trainers Mr. Milan Giri explaining the candidates what is Field visit of waste collection and Tokozai distribution in Madhyapur Thimi. The team of Rikishi Compost has been collecting household waste since the year of 2018. We provide our technology Tokozai (a mixture of Bran, Husk, Red clay, and dry Leaves) which safe guards the household waste. The trainees were explained why it is important for the team of Rikishi Compost to go in the field itself, to make sure the recording in place of Tokozai distribution and waste collection. More importantly we focus on quality safeguard. This training will enable the candidates to go in different sites of Rikishi Compost and at the same time provide technical assistance to various organizations private and public on waste management techniques using CNBM technology to produce chemical free compost. People from various diverse backgrounds, including those who have worked with us as factory workers, agricultural technicians and those with a bachelor's degree in environmental studies, are studying to become technicians. Contact us if you want to know more about us at +977 9828000256 or you can reach us at rikishicompost@gmail.com. You can also visit our site in Madhyapur Thimi for more information. #rikishicompost #japanesetechnology #getyourownbag #cnbmtechnology #sustianableagriculturalractices #chemicalfreecompost #solidwastemanagement #dothejobthatmatters #acompanywithpurpose